This week there were a few things that stood out to me. In class we talked about the different topics by which a social entrepreneur can help and make a change. They are health, education, poverty, environment, human trafficking, and child welfare. We were put into groups to focus on one and learn from the others about what they discussed about their topics. I was impressed to see how much I don't know and also how much opportunity and resources there are out there to use to help and support in those specific efforts. We also had a guest speaker, David Pigott who spoke to us about is social venture he's been working on. In Africa about 90% still use wood fire stoves to cook. While that is happening the forests are depleting and it is estimated that within the next 30 years there will be no more wood to use. Pigott has observed this problem and may have found a solution. There is a plant called water hyacinth which grows extremely quickly. Pigott presented to us the solution of replacing wood for the fires with this plant, water hyacinth. It was fascinating to listen to what he has researched and what he plans on doing to solve this growing issue in Africa. It was very inspiring. The last thing that impacted me was the idea of being able to become and stay passionate. The four things discussed include: slow down, be grateful, do things to help the less fortunate, and take note and take action. I realize that this path of social entrepreneurship can be overwhelming and discouraging at times, but if these four things are put into practice I image the road will be durable and life will be fulfilling.
In the Hans and Ola Roling's TED talk, they said, "If you have a fact-based world view of today, you might have a chance to understand what is coming next in the future." I agree with this statement. I believe that a study of collected past and present informational facts will give solid understanding of what is to come in the future. Through facts we are able to pull out patterns of cultural activity, food and cooking habits, economical and health patterns, and other patterns in yesterday and today's societal issues. Facts are solid tools of being able to understand a situation, learn from it and create a solution which will take place in the future.
Time Ballard said he feels guided by the Spirit in his work. I believe following the Spirit is essential to social entrepreneurship because you are dealing with real issues that effect people's lives in either health, poverty, environmental, different kinds of abuse, child welfare, and other world-wide issues. Because you and I have finite minds and we can only see so far, we are required to receive divine help which will enable us to know what to do with Heavenly Father's children. Most of these issues have been around for thousands of years because they are difficult to solve. The Spirit will guid our thoughts, words, and actions as we strive to do good among our fellow brothers and sisters. Heavenly Father doesn't just care about our spiritual well-being, he is concerned of what we do for a career because he wants us to be happy, successful, and able to serve his sons and daughters.
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